​Learn Redux and Redux Toolkit for State Management



State management is one of the most important aspects of building scalable and efficient React applications. Whether you’re managing user interactions, API data, or application-wide settings, having a robust tool for handling state can save time and … 

State management is one of the most important aspects of building scalable and efficient React applications. Whether you’re managing user interactions, API data, or application-wide settings, having a robust tool for handling state can save time and prevent bugs. That’s where Redux, a popular state management library, and its modern sibling, Redux Toolkit, shine. These tools provide a structured and predictable way to manage state in your applications, making them an essential skill for React developers.

We just published a course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel that will teach you all about Redux and Redux Toolkit. Created by Khaiser Khanam, this comprehensive course takes you from foundational concepts to advanced state management patterns. Whether you’re a beginner eager to understand how Redux works or an experienced developer looking to master Redux Toolkit and industry best practices, this course has something for everyone. You’ll build real-world applications and learn to avoid common pitfalls while integrating Redux into React projects.

What You’ll Learn in This Course

Part 1: Redux Fundamentals

The course begins with an in-depth exploration of Redux’s core concepts, including actions, reducers, and the store. Through clear analogies and visualizations, you’ll learn:

  • Why Redux is useful and when it might not be the right choice.

  • The three principles of Redux and how they guide state management.

  • Middleware, including how to use Thunk for handling async logic.

  • Setting up React-Redux and leveraging hooks like useSelector and useDispatch to connect your React components to Redux.

  • Building a professional folder structure for your Redux projects.

The first half of the course also dives into practical examples, such as creating a “burger application,” combining reducers, implementing logger middleware, and integrating the Redux DevTools extension. By the end of this section, you’ll have a solid foundation to use Redux confidently in your projects.

Part 2: Redux Toolkit Essentials

In the second part, you’ll dive into Redux Toolkit, a modern library that simplifies working with Redux by reducing boilerplate code and improving developer experience. Topics include:

  • The createSlice method and its role in simplifying reducer and action creation.

  • Advanced patterns like extra reducers and the createAsyncThunk function for handling async actions.

  • Setting up projects with Vite, and building features like a pizza-and-burger ordering application.

  • Utilizing the Immer library for immutable state updates, and exploring how Redux Toolkit integrates seamlessly with React DevTools.

This section also covers best practices, common beginner mistakes, and Redux Toolkit interview questions to help you prepare for real-world use cases and technical evaluations.


Redux and Redux Toolkit are must-know tools for React developers aiming to build professional-grade applications. This course provides a step-by-step approach, ensuring that even complex topics like middleware, async actions, and advanced state patterns are accessible. Plus, you’ll work on real-world projects, reinforcing the concepts through practical application.

Watch the full course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel (8-hour watch).